大型隨意網路之分佈式傳輸排程與功率控制研究 Distributed Scheduling and Power Control in Large-Scale Ad Hoc Networks
In this thesis, we introduce two distinct approaches – distance-aware scheduling and 2layer discrete power control (DPC), which are able to enhance the transmission capacity of a large-scale wireless ad hoc network. Transmission capacity is an area spectrum efficiency metric of a wireless ad hoc network with an outage constraint. The motivation of studying these two approaches is to investigate whether limiting multiuser interference is an effective means of boosting the network capacity of a wireless ad hoc network. First, we propose an opportunistic scheduling scheme that exploits distance-aware conditions between a transmitter and its intended receiver, termed distance-aware scheduling (DAS) scheme. A transmitter with DAS schedules a transmission when the distance satisfies an density-based dynamic threshold constraint. Next, we propose the 2-layer DPC scheme for DAS since such 2-layer DPC can reduce interference if it is properly designed to satisfy a certain condition. The power control scaling law for the 2-layer DPC scheme is developed, which is able to strictly outperform the constant power control scheme (i.e., no power control scheme) in terms of the average signal-to-interference ratio. Both of the proposed schemes are essentially characterized by transmission distance and can achieve higher area spectrum efficiency due to interference reduction. Index Terms – Discrete power control, Distributed opportunistic scheduling, Ad hoc network, Transmission capacity (TC)
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متن کاملOn the Use of Neural Network Modeling Techniques for Spoken Document Retrieval
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متن کامل大規模詞彙語意關係自動標示之初步研究: 以中文詞網(Chinese Wordnet)為例 (A Preliminary Study on Large-scale Automatic Labeling of Lexical Semantic Relations: A Case study of Chinese Wordnet) [In Chinese]
近年來, 以知識資源為本的自然處理技術已成為一種重要的研究取向。 對於各種詞彙語意資源之建構, 包括電子辭典 (Lexicon)、 同義詞詞林 (Thesaurus)、 詞彙網路 (WordNet), 甚至知識本體 (ontologies), 已成為一個不可 抵擋的趨勢。 其中, 詞彙網路是在計算語言學相關領域中, 目前最為普遍利 用之一項詞彙語意資源。 然而, 詞彙網路之建構是一項耗時費力之基礎工程。 對於世界上許多使 用頻度不高的語言而言, 更是一項艱鉅之任務。 本文提出一個借力於普林斯 頓英語詞網 (Princeton WordNet) 與歐語詞網 (EuroWordNet) 之 bootstrapping 方法, 應用在正在發展的中文詞網詞彙語意關係之自動標記工作上。 實 驗的結果與初步評估證明, 此法對於詞網建構是一個相當可行的方式。
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